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Department Chairs--The Early Years

Biographical and bibliographical information on the university's department chairs from the historical past.

Department Chairs --The Early Years

For this LibGuide, archival photographs and text documents were obtained from the University Archives of Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science.  

This LibGuide was created by Robin Schiff, MLIS--University Archivist

Undated photograph of Chairmen, left to right: Henry William, MD, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Ezra C. Davidson, Jr, MD (OB-GYN); Joseph L. Alexander, MD (Surgery); Elias Amador, MD (Pathology); M. Alfred Haynes, MD, MPH (Community Medicine); Robert J. Schelgel, MD (Pediatrics); David D. Ulmer (Medicine); John A. Campbell, MD (Radiology)


History: In 1973, the Master Plan for the Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School was created and published in three volumes. Page one, of Volume One, The Summary Report, describes a brief history of the school and its, then, associated county hospital and medical schools at USC and UCLA. While USC no longer has the described affiliation, UCLA does. The final paragraph describes the roles of chairs and chiefs.



At the end of 1972, seven chairs had been appointed. Below is the list of each, in order of their appointment:

M. Alfred Haynes, MD, MPH, Community Medicine

Robert E. Greenberg, MD, Pediatrics

John A. Campbell, MD, Radiology

J. Alfred Cannon, MD, MPH, Psychiatry

Ezra C. Davidson, Jr., MD, Obstetrics-Gynecology

Joseph L. Alexander, MD, Surgery

Valentino D. B. Mazzia, MD, Anesthesiology

David D. Ulmer, MD, Medicine

Elias Amador, MD, Pathology