Blackboard will be upgraded to "Ultra Base Navigation" on Thursday May 16th, 2024. This will introduce a new navigation system, bringing all your course assignments and grades together into one place. A guide to the new navigation scheme is available below.
The suggested browser for using Collaborate is Google Chrome. If you do not already have Chrome, please click on the link below to download the browser for either Mac and Windows:
During normal business hours you can click the Teams chat link here for Linda Towles (Blackboard Administrator). ---- Download Proctorio as an extension to your Google Chrome (It is required to use Google Chrome browser, download here
Problems with Proctorio? See our self-help hand out below, "Proctorio Self-Help for Mac and Windows" , or call the Proctorio 24/7 support team 866.948.9248
What is Proctorio?
Proctorio is an automated remote proctoring solution that seamlessly integrates with existing testing platforms and digitally protects the academic integrity of test-takers and educational institutions all over the world.
Protecting the Value and Equality of Education Proctorio ensures the value of online certifications, courses, programs, and degrees; while guaranteeing that each enrolled test-taker is presented with the same opportunities and advantages to accomplish their academic goals.
This is achieved through secure and customization online exam settings that protect exam administrators’ course content, test takers’ privacy and the integrity of all involved.
Blackboard Mobile App Troubleshooting Login Steps
If you log in to the Blackboard App and see a screen similar to the one below, your Blackboard App may not be properly connecting to the CDU Blackboard.
Follow these steps to correct the issue:
iOS | Android |