Faculty Training # 1 Introduction (Create a classroom,mic/camera, share link, participants, share content) - (Click Here) Duration 1:37:27
Faculty Training # 2 Working with Tests (Create a test, Proctorio, Import/Export test) - (Click here) Duration 1:33:03
Faculty Training # 3 Participants (Managing participants, create breakout groups, capabilities with the BOR, best practices) - (Click here) Duration 1:21:53
Faculty Training # 4 Create Your Blackboard Collaborate classroom - (Click Here) Duration 5:22:
Faculty Training # 5 Proctorio and Test Etiquette (Create a test within Blackboard and Proctorio, monitor students testing) (Click Here) Duration 2:08:19
Faculty Training # 6 Create Your Breakout Groups (Click Here) Duration 1:43:08