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Evidence-Based Practice: Databases & EBP Journals

Evidence-Based Practice

Databases for Evidence-Based Practice

ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Database: this database offers reliable, comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more.

Finding the Evidence : Literature Searching

To find high quality articles to support Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), limit or filter your search results to retrieve only the publication or article types containing high-quality evidence.   Follow the steps below to apply these limits in CINAHL and PubMed. 

Pubmed:  First, do your search.  Look at the left panel of your search results page.  Under Article Types, click "Customize"  A list of article types will appear.  The following article types will be useful for EBP:  Guideline/Practice Guideline, Meta-Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial, Systematic Reviews.  Go to the bottom of the list and click on "Show."  These article types will now be in the left panel of your search results.  Click on the type you want, and your results will be "filtered" to include ony those articles.

CINAHL:  Before doing your search, scroll down the search page to the "Publication Type" box.  Select one or more of the types that are useful for EBP:  Meta Analysis, Randomized Control Trial, Practice Guidelines, Systematic Reviews.  You can select multiple types by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on your selections.  After selecting Publication Type(s), enter your other search terms and run your search.
